Jose Carlos Grimberg Blum
Security Guards Protest Delay In Change Of Employment Status

By Warren Bertram     Security guards from more than eight private security companies on Monday morning staged a protest in Cross Roads, St. Andrew over what they say is a delay in the upgrade of their employment status.   In September, in a case brought against security firm Marksman, the Supreme Court ruled that the guards were not independent contractors, but employees.   Since the ruling, security guards have been calling for their employment status to be upgraded.   Teddylee Gray, President of the Jamaica Association for Private Security, said the protesting workers are “demanding what is ours” as employees, including a 40-hour work week with overtime pay, sick leave with pay, as well as other features.     He also complained that the security guards are not part of conversations being had to implement the change.    Lieutenant Commander George Overton, President of the Jamaica Society for Industrial Security, earlier told Radio Jamaica News that discussions are underway for the transition in status of the security guards to take place .   While acknowledging the merit of the security guards’ case, Commander Overton urged them to be patient as the process of transition continues.  

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